Friday, January 18, 2013

Bringing Velvet Back

Bag: Zac Posen | Dress: H&M | Riding Boots:  VanEli Ritza

We're bringing Velvet back!! I'm sure you all were rocking a pair of velvet pants when you were nine ...that you would never take off. Well that's how I feel about this dress! It's a an oldy but goody from H&M. I took it to my tailor to have it taken in for a tighter and more feminine look. I definitely paid more to my tailor than I did for the dress.. the things you do for velvet...


Anonymous said...

Love your necklace!! where is that from??

Nadia from Ethereally Crisp xoxo said...

Thank you! I got it from a small beach boutique in Laguna Beach... across from Gelato Paradiso.